Monday, October 9, 2017


First of all, I want to thank JESSie, for being my guest blogger last week, by sharing an upcoming event, “The Steam is Escaping Give-away”. If you enjoy reading, be sure to get your free books.

This week, I want to introduce you to a gal, who is a fantastic cook and extremely knowledgeable. How do I know? She taught me how to make something that I truly enjoy eating, but want to avoid using dairy! She taught me how to make my own yogurt; a light and fulfilling treat that I truly enjoy.

Because I was so thrilled with what I learned, I decided to share it with you. Just click on the following link, to get her delicious recipe.

My mom always taught me that nothing is as enjoyable, as it should be, until you share it. I learned that lesson. Therefore, I am sharing it with you; enjoy!