Monday, February 25, 2019


In the last blog, we talked about the mercy of God as revealed in His conversation with Moses on the mount.  He passed by and declared the first part of His name as: “The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth…”

God declared Himself as “gracious”, but look at how Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines the word (this is lifted directly from the web.)

            Definition of gracious
1a obsoleteGODLY
2a: marked by kindness and courtesy a gracious host
c: marked by tact and delicacy: URBANE
d: characterized by charm, good taste, generosity of spirit, and the tasteful leisure of wealth and good breeding gracious living

When you read that definition, did you notice the arrogance that emerged, especially in the last half? Being “godly”, to the world is obsolete; and being “pleasing” and “acceptable” is archaic. However, it is the goodness/graciousness of God that leads us, as individuals, to repentance.

God’s graciousness is more akin to compassion, mercy or unmerited favor toward one who is underserving. God is about love, not looking down on others or reserved to enjoying leisure, but rather He has identified Himself with us; sacrificed His only beloved Son for our salvation.

No, godliness, graciousness nor grace is obsolete – it is GOD! The ever present omnipotent God!
“The Lord said, “I’ll make all my goodness pass in front of you, and I’ll proclaim before you the name, ‘The Lord.’ I will be kind [gracious] to whomever I wish to be kind, and I will have compassion [graciousness] to whomever I wish to be compassionate [gracious].” Exodus 33:19 CEB translation