Monday, October 8, 2018

The Spirit's Work in The Church

Today, we shall continue our study from last week.  We said that we would discuss the reasons for the gifts of the Spirit to the church.  Let’s look at a few concepts that can clear up this mystery.

1.     God formed the church that they might be His witnesses to those who have not accepted Him as their savior – Matthew 28:18-20.

2.     Mankind is ill-equipped to do this activity, on his/her own – John 15:1-5.

3.     God is a God of order; therefore, His church is to be run in an orderly manner, beginning with the apostles, prophets, etc. that lies at the foundation of the faith – Ephesians 4:10-11 & I Corinthians 14:33.

4.     Those leading out are not only to help to grow the “believers”, but they are to reach out to unbelievers.  The original Christian church was made up of Israelites/Jews; but when the leaders rejected the teachings of Christ and then the Apostles, Paul began preaching to the gentiles – Acts 13:41-43.

5.     Because Christ started out with ignorant, unlearned fishermen, He had to equip them to become fishers of men.  In order to do this, He needed to equip them with gifts, which made them capable of doing this; one of these gifts came in the form of speaking in other languages, Acts 2:1-11  and through acts of healing – Acts 28:7-9.

As we can see, the gifts of the Spirit were essential from the very beginning of the gospel ministry.  I have learned that whatever Christ sees fit to give us as a gift, it is because He desires to make us co-laborers with Him and His angels, so that people from all over the world can be made ready for the second coming of Christ.