Friday, December 30, 2016

Keeping His Promises

Well the day finally arrived, when I had to drive my daughter to the airport, so she could return home. The holiday trip had been extremely memorable; with only one or two hitches. (I raised my daughters to be like me – strong willed and independent thinking – therefore, there are bound to be a few hitches along the way).

My other daughter and her husband, along with my husband, all piled up in our Mercury truck, to drive her there. There were plenty more laughs, a lot of hugging and picture taking, and a last minute video of her waving goodbye, as she disappeared behind the revolving airport doors. Her stay was over, sob, sob.

By the time we returned to the highway, we were all back on track, with the joyous laughter and jovial conversation. We didn’t dally, but took the long way back, which didn’t require a toll fee and looked forward to spending a relaxed evening together – playing domino, eating popcorn, watching a documentary or even a movie.

As we pulled up to the front of our house, I noticed boxes and bags of what appeared to be groceries setting in a chair, on our front porch. Without giving it a second thought, I immediately blurted out my surprise, at the gesture and wondered who had done it.

I hurried from the car, as soon as it was parked, to investigate the deed of kindness. I hadn’t asked anyone for anything, and my refrigerator was overflowing with a wide assortment of food. We had been eating quite heartily throughout the holiday season.

Upon close examination, I discovered an assortment of fresh garden salads with diced chicken in a separate container. Additionally, there was an assortment of fresh fruit, bags of prepared salads without chicken, and much more. As I looked at the fullness of blessing, before my eyes, two things came to my mind, which are reminder lessons to me:

1) God was listening to the silent prayer of my son-in-law, who is not vegan, but who had, without complaint – even with relish, eaten and enjoyed all of the meatless meals we had enjoyed together each day, for over a week. Now, he was being rewarded with some healthy chicken salads, which he could enjoy, in individual servings that none of us vegetarians and vegans had to prepare.

2) God promised His faithful tithe-returning children that He would, “…Open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, whereby ye shall not have room enough to receive it” Malachi 3:8-10.  

I must admit, it took some scrambling to find sufficient room in the refrigerator for those perishable items, and the citrus and a few of the apples had to be placed in a bowl on the counter. Again, I marveled at the beauty, the thoughtfulness and the provision of my heavenly Father. He always keeps His promises; you can “bank” on them.  Plus, one of the most enjoyable parts about my relationship with Him, is that I never know when or how He will answer any of my prayers, but He always does, and sometimes in the most remarkable ways. He is absolutely AMAZING! If you don’t know Him, please get to know Him today; you will not be sorry!

More: Ginger's,

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