Monday, January 9, 2017

Presumptive Resolutions

Why is it that each year, people feel the need to write resolutions? Year after year, they lie to themselves by saying, “This year, I’m going to exercise more; this year, I’m going to stop____________(you fill in the blank). This year things are going to be different.”

Lies, lies, and more lies. I watch people get caught up in the madness of resolution making, as though some magical genii were hiding in a bottle beneath their dusty gym bag, and as soon as they would rub the bottle, out would pop the genii and grant them all the ability they need to pursue their goals.

And the funniest or saddest part about their resolution making is that somewhere, in the back of their minds, they really believe that just by saying it out loud, or even by writing it down, it will come to pass.  Self-deception, this is strictly self-deception.

Psychologists tell us that it takes the monotony of completing an individual task 28 times before it becomes a habit, and the probability of tasking oneself to a stringent, monotonous, and unattractive habit, at the first of the year, by sheer force of will is really ludicrous. It is not in the will or power of man to “turn on a dime”, especially following a time of feasting and relaxing.

In light of all the holiday revelry, one is more inclined to continue in the pleasant, easy going lifestyle, associated with the holidays, rather than to begin any kind of program that requires strict discipleship.  We need to stop doing this to ourselves.

I have found out that so many of the people I know that have this “insane” ( I mean that lovingly) idea of making such a dramatic switch at the turn of the year, also have the same idea that they can live however they wish to live on a regular basis; have no real interest in spiritual matters and believe that when things start going crazy in the world; when prophecies are being fulfilled that indicate the soon coming of Christ, they can make the needed switch from living one way, do an “about face” and live righteously for Christ.

Again, it is self-deception and they are going to find out too late that in order to develop the desire to live righteously, like Christ, is a day by day struggle, similar to being faithful in one’s physical workouts every day. It takes a slow, methodical, discipline to build up one’s muscles, as well as, to develop the “habit” of working out on a schedule.

It would be foolish for one to believe that he/she could enter a marathon race, without proper yearlong training, and expect to complete the race; let alone win it. The same hold true for beginning year resolutions.

I’ve made no resolutions for many years now, for I have realized the insanity associated with doing it and the feelings of guilt, shame and despondency that accompany the failure to carry out said resolutions.

I’ve also realized that I must maintain a regular connection with Christ, if I am to hear the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” Matthew 25:21

I pray that all who read today’s blog will hear the same call, as well.

More: Lessons about God 

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