Monday, August 28, 2017


So, let’s catch up from last week’s blog, on August 21, 2017. I joined the church, as an adolescent; I was given no instructions, as to how I was to live my life; because I believed that there was to be a lifestyle change, I began to devise my own rules and regulations, so that I could be acceptable to God.
Now, remember that my sister and I went to the movies, after worship services each Sunday. But because I believed that Sunday was the Sabbath, “I” elected to no longer attend the movies on Sunday, so as not to be in violation of this day and began going on Monday’s instead; mind you, I didn’t stop the activity, just when I did it (tsk, tsk, tsk).

Similarly, with Herb Kent, “The Cool Gent”, disc jockey, I stopped listening to him on Sunday and dancing to his funky beats and elected to engage in other activities. However, on Monday, I was right back at it! I had no real idea of what it was that I was supposed to be doing. However, because no one taught me what the Word of God actually said, I figured that making these changes would show Him that I was a true believer and consequently, would be good enough to go to heaven.

About 6-7 years passed, before someone opened the Word of God to me and pointed out the following Scripture:
“…That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus; for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:7-9

Wow! All the efforts I had put forth, to save myself; to be good; to be acceptable to God; to earn my way to heaven had not been worth a hill of beans! Jesus had done everything that I needed to be done, in order for me to be saved and had given it to me as a “gift”. Can you imagine the relief that came over me? It was electrifying! I still had to be obedient, but it wasn’t to “earn” salvation. Obedience to God’s commandments was now a joy, in which to engage, out of love for what He had done. Hallelujah!

I have since learned a great deal about the Word of God; the Ten Commandments, which are still binding; the marvelous grace of God and soooo much more. Therefore, now I go to the “Word” for answers, instead of devising my own homemade theories about salvation. It is so much easier and a lot more accurate!

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