Monday, December 19, 2016

Decision Time

As a female, I’ve had to listen to the complaints of men discussing their wives, girlfriends, mothers and sisters’ inability to make up their minds, when they go shopping. They go from rack to rack, from store to store, from dressing room to dressing room trying to find just the right dress or outfit. To men, it seems as if  they will never  make a decision.

Oh, and don’t get them started about how indecisive we are when we want them to move furniture around in the house! If we accept what they say, we would have to conjure up two men walking from one side of a room to the other side carrying a heavy couch, waiting for some female to tell them where to set it.

On the other hand, men can be equally, if not more hesitant about decision making than women; especially when it comes to matters of the heart and settling down. Many relationships have broken up over a male’s inability to decide to marry. Many females have had to patiently wait to hear those seemingly magical words, “Will you marry me?”

When we look at the last line in the poem, we see a male figure, anxiously waiting, looking for some clear decision; hoping for a positive response to His pursuit. Let’s read it:

Line 23: He is here, now waiting, seeking for you – please let your answer be – “I do”. 

John, the Revelator, describes Jesus, as the one standing at the door knocking; asking for entry inside and promising an intimate and lasting relationship to whomever will open the door Revelation 3:20.  For you see, the latchet is not on the outside, but on the inside of the door.

This scripture verse is a depiction of the human heart or mind. Jesus presents you with His promises of joy, peace, eternal life, in exchange for the yielding of your heart and mind to His will. It is a spiritual proposal of marriage. He decided that He wanted you for His “Bride”, when He yielded His life on Calvary for you. He didn’t want you to ‘perish’, but to have everlasting life.

Additionally, He wanted to make you an heir to His father’s kingdom. When you read John 1:12, you find that immediately upon submission, upon acceptance of His proposal, you are granted the authority and privilege of becoming a son or daughter of God, thus an heir to the throne with Jesus Christ. Isn’t that awesome!

Throughout the poem we have discussed vital truths about mortality, the state of the dead, the second coming of Christ, the destruction of the wicked and His desire to take you home with Him, when He comes. The opportunities to understand and accept these things have been offered to you over and over. The acceptance of these truths is an opening of the door and allowing Him to have leadership in your life.  Remember, the latchet to the door of your heart is on the inside. In the poem you are urged to please say, “I do.” When you make that decision, you will receive a peace like no other, and joy untold.

I’ve learned that there aren’t too many good men out there in the world, and when one of His caliber asks for your hand, you will do well to give it to Him. It is the very best decision you will ever make, for this life and the life to come.

First posted to the Internet 12/19/2016
More: My Death Poem

All Scriptures are taken from the KJV – King James Version Bible

Notice: This is copyrighted material and is intended for the sole use of this author. No part of this material may be reproduced in written, digital form, without the written consent of its originator.

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