Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Each Day

Each day of our lives call for challenges. Some of the challenges that we face are familiar; they have been there repeatedly; we know them by name – poverty, sickness, bigotry, etc. other challenges are new and different.

Each day of our lives, we must muster the energy, the fight, and the will, to push through whatever new challenges that arise on the horizon of our lives. We do not have the privilege of walking away from the challenge, if we are to maintain the victory over our fears.

To gain this victory is much like having an old fashioned duel. I used to be a die-hard western fan. There were many duels and shootouts in the streets. One of the things that I noticed about the winner of each challenged duel was that he usually had the sun in the back of him. This meant that the opponent had the sun shining fully in his face, and could not properly focus; thus, the winner would always outdraw him.

Today, I want to use this analogy a little differently. As we face our opponents today, let us make sure that we have the Son backing us, rather than the sun blinding our opponents. I am referring to Jesus Christ, the Son of Righteousness. Malachi 4:2

Today, may we look fully into the face of the Son that we might become reflective of His character and allow His grace to be the blinding effect on all of our opposition! Let us “love” them to death and “kill” them with kindness!

Today, I’ve learned to, as the song says, “Turn (my) your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”

Therefore, may each of us realize the source of our hope, as we transition into another era: one which promises to be fraught with civil and racial unrest; one which will suppress our freedoms of liberty and speech, more fully than we could ever imagine, but can never silence our prayers!

During this new era, let us keep our eyes upon Jesus and reflect the beauty, which is His alone to give; thus we shall be covered from all evil, by His mercy and power.

More: Lessons About God

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