Monday, March 6, 2017

Time for Two

Throughout the entire month of February, we have been expounding on the first statement made, in the beginning of our “Times Series”. In case you became confused, somewhere along the way, I shall restate the statement:

 "The Christian church is living in a time of divine judgment, not sinners. If there ever was a time that the Christian believer should draw close to God; return to Bible based teachings; to put known sin out of his or her life and to seek the well-being of others, it is now."

I sought to diligently and thoughtfully explain each aspect of that much loaded statement. Now that I have completed statement #1, it is time to move on to statement #2, which is:

"There has been such a watering down of Christianity; of allowing the entry of pagan practices into the very heart of the church and a breaking down of moral principles, whereby one can live any way one wishes and still proclaim unity with Christ. However, it is totally against the will of God."

Having revealed statement #2, allow me to list the items, which I shall cover, over the next several posts, to give perspective to this statement of fact, as I understand Christianity and have found ample evidence from the Word of God. This has been the main source of my references, thus far.  In this upcoming series of explanations, I shall add some historic facts to help the reader better understand this statement, in the light of “time” and what I refer to as the “time of the end.”

1.   There has been... a watering down of Christianity
2.   Pagan practices have been allowed in the heart of the Christian church
3.  Moral principles have broken down, even in the “Christian church
4. There is little difference seen, in the life of a nominal Christian in the church, and an unsaved sinner; this is against the will of God

Now having broken this statement into four segments, I shall endeavor to show, through statistics, history, the reports of civil unrest and the word of God, just how true each of them are.

Therefore, please read the very next post; in it, I shall dissect the first of the four statements: “There has been... a watering down of Christianity.”

Until then, I encourage you to visit the other links on my site. Bye-bye.

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